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Health and Safety File

CDM 2015 regulations require the Principal Designer to compile a Health and Safety File which is passed to the Client upon completion of the project.

Information for the file is collated throughout the project and is generally provided by the Principal Contractor. The Construction Phase Plan is intended to ensure the health and safety of workers during the construction phase. However, the file will safeguard those who use, maintain and work in the building during its lifetime.

Frequently Principal Designers find that they do not have the time, information nor resources to complete this important document. Hence we can do so on your behalf.

Our Health and Safety File package includes:

  • Advice on what information should be collated for the file
  • Compiling the relevant information
  • Creating the File and presenting it in a structured and usable manner

We can add this option to your CDM management package or provide it as a stand alone service. Please enquire below for further information:


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